I have decided to start a blog. Oh, what fun, right? Right! I assume this place is going to be one of random postings and events.
On to my first topic. O.H.S.’s. Oh yes, they came out every year around this time, and I happened to see them everywhere. And I really wonder who ever came up with them; I would like to just thank that person for making everyone look ridiculous. Oh yes, they are Oversized Holiday Sweaters. You know what kind I’m talking about. You normally see your Uncle Frank or your grandpa have one on and normally they even include a turtleneck or even worse a dickie! They are normally patterned, and don’t forget that they are always too big! I honestly thought that there had to be someone, just one person that could make them look good. This was put to the test last week, when I saw one of the most attractive guys I know wearing one. And the verdict is: it was absolutely terrible!!! NO ONE looks good in them. So, this holiday season, when you go to your closet and pick that OHS to go to your Christmas party, think long and hard about it. And as you decide to wear it anyway, know you will look ridiculous BUT wear it with pride as I will probably have one on as well…and say hi to your Uncle Frank for me…
You HAVE to listen to this song!! http://nemoorange.com/blog/oversized-holiday-sweater
Welcome to the world of Blogging. It's really quite fun and a bit therapeutic at the same time. before you know it, you will have been blogging for almost 2 years.
Nikki, Thank you for featuring my song! Good luck on keeping up your posting. Happy Holidays!
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